Living in the sunshine

Since we started this business in 2002, we have met many people from across Europe and the world, from young couples looking to get away from their cold, damp countries looking for a new way of life in warm, sunny Spain, to older couples looking to make their retirement a wonderful new life adventure.
Of course, this isn’t always an easy decision, we Europeans may all be neighbours, but there is always a culture shock when moving to a new country.
Where should we go? Who do we talk to? What are the local customs? Can I learn the language? What is it like to live in a Spanish village? How friendly are the locals? What about the countryside, and will we get the facilities we need in the ‘campo’? …
These are just a few of the questions that many potential buyers may ponder on when considering a move, and deciding where to look, deciding where they would like to take the next chapter of their lives.
Most people ask themselves the same questions. And with this in mind, we are offering in this section of our website a glimpse into the experiences of many of our vendors and recent buyers, hoping what they say might be useful, maybe even inspirational for you in your own search.
We will also be mixing in other useful articles that might catch your interest, so take a look:

Mr & Ms Hart
Living in: Canillas de Aceituno (Village)
Retirement provides an opportunity to take stock of where your life is now and what can be waiting for you next!…

Can I build a new house in Andalusia?
Alan and Tracey’s magical dream!
How about buying up small unrenovated village houses, renovating them to perfection and then letting them out, all part of a long term lifestyle change being planned by this innovative couple. Read about how Alan and Tracey are working hard to build up a portfolio of romantic village houses for couples in the sunshine!

Sharron and Chris
Living in: Los Gallegos (Comares area)
Read about their experience!